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msdn invalidaterect windows
Step 2: Add a Menu Command to Grab a Poster Frame (Windows).
SetWindowLong(hWndEdit, GWL_EXSTYLE, lAlign); InvalidateRect(hWndEdit, NULL, FALSE);. Windows XP: The standard edit control supports a context menu.
The windowless object calls the methods in this interface to process window messages, .. An object cannot call the Windows API functions InvalidateRect and.
CWindow::InvalidateRect. BOOL InvalidateRect( LPCRECT lpRect, BOOL bErase = TRUE ) throw();. Remarks. See InvalidateRect in the Windows SDK.
Msdn Invalidaterect -
What is the relationship between InvalidateRect and GetClipBox? How can I improve the effectiveness of my application? Reply; Quote.
The original release of the Magnification API is supported on Windows Vista and later. On Windows 8 and later, the API supports additional features, including.
msdn invalidaterect windows
CWindow::InvalidateRect - MSDN - Microsoft.EM_SETTABSTOPS message (Windows) - MSDN - Microsoft.
WinAPI::invalidateRect Method - MSDN - Microsoft.
CWnd::InvalidateRect .. Windows sends a WM_PAINT message whenever the CWnd update region is not empty and there are no other messages in the.
CWnd::InvalidateRect - MSDN - Microsoft.
DPI and Device-Independent Pixels (Windows) - MSDN - Microsoft.
CombineRgn (Windows CE 5.0) - MSDN - Microsoft.